About Y

Individually We Are One Drop
ogether We Are An Ocean 
What does this mean to you ?

Y was founded in 2020 with a simple mission statement –
revolutionise the fashion sector with a platform that will mobilise and empower consumers to passively make positive social change.

We create more than just clothing, we create a uniform for our philosophy.

Y Presents FashTec

A premium brand combining fashion with blockchain technology to deliver the ultimate retail therapy experience.
All garments are manufactured and finished under fair and ethical standards to ensure there is no exploitation within our supply chains.

Our products deliver at the forefront of design and technology whilst using a percentage of revenue to fund organisations powering social change.

The blockchain Y platform allows you to see exactly how this money has been spent and the impact it has made by directly connecting you to the lives you have helped to change.

Blog Y provides you with a continuous feed of real life stories from the organisations distributing the funds and the people benefiting from them.

Is Y a Charity?


Most organisations begin their philanthropic journey once they are established and profitable; we are choosing to do this from the start.

A socialist vehicle requires a capitalist engine so we will compete with existing premium brands to generate profits. These will fuel the continuous development of our product range alongside the blockchain platform to increase the global adoption of Y and the impact we can make.

Y will allow and inspire consumers to passively support the causes they care about whilst wearing hand finished interactive pieces from the most innovative brand in the world of premium social fashion.

Blog Y

Our vision is for Blog Y to connect people from all walks of life to embody our ethos ‘Individually We Are One Drop, Together We Are An Ocean’.

People may feel their small individual actions will not make a difference to a certain cause. However if they were able to join 1000 like minded people they would then see the substantial impact of their combined efforts.
£1 itself will have a limited impact, but we know £1 one thousand times will make significant change.

By providing consumers with a platform to build communities and share stories of the change they help to make, we will display what can be achieved when we all come together.

Follow The Money

Current methods of raising and distributing funding allows parties to misuse capital and abuse the trust of supporters whilst providing little to no feedback or accountability. This has lead to mistrust and scepticism of the industry, reducing the support available for the communities most in need.

To tackle this we developed our platform to specifically bridge the gap between supporters and the end cause. This means our users can transparently follow the money and see exactly how it is being used.

Not only did we want to rebuild trust within the fund distribution sector but also inspire supporters by giving them a personal insight in to the lives they are helping to change and the difference they are making.

Unlocking Potential

During our experience with organisations tackling social issues, we found there are less advantaged segments of society that hold monumental potential which just need a chance to flourish.

Our funding will provide the opportunities to unlock this potential and help nurture these initiatives and individuals to thrive.
The journey and progress of these individuals will be shared with our community via Blog Y.

We will be planting roses in concrete so we can all watch them blossom.

Individually We Are A Drop, Together We Are An Ocean.

In the summer of 2020 we saw the power of this statement when the UK government insisted they would not provide school meals for children who could not attend school due to the covid lockdown.

Manchester United star Marcus Rashford spoke out against this and provided a platform for thousands of people to come together and support his cause which resulted in the government changing their decision.
A further petition by Marcus generated over 1 million signatures which has led to the government providing more support for less privileged children; something they said they were not willing to do.
This was an amazing example of how we can all come together and make a difference to the issues we feel strongly about.

Our ambition is for our community and supporters to implement this mantra in to everyday life and help progress the issues they feel strongly about.